Core inflation excluding oil prices has recently slightly increased. 刨去油价的核心通胀率近期略有抬升。
Security management team is at the forefront of oilfield safety, so exploring ways to improve safety culture team is very important, and it is the core project of oil production safety. 班组安全管理处在油田安全生产的最前沿,探索搞好班组安全文化建设途径非常重要,是油田搞好安全生产的核心工程。
Analysis of forces on the graphite mold of core bit for oil during hot pressing 石油取芯钻头石墨模具在热压过程中的受力状况分析
Studies of hydrocarbon charging events and ages have always been the hot and core issues of oil and gas migration and accumulation processes. 油气藏油气充注幕次和成藏年龄确定一直是成藏过程研究的热点和核心问题。
Advances in Research on Core Collection of Oil Crop Germplasm Resources 油料作物种质资源核心收集品研究进展
The impact of basic intrusive dyke on hydrocarbon accumulation inside the Archaeozoic buried hill in Liaohe Depression is studied on the basis of logging data, core test and oil testing data. 以测井资料、岩心化验及试油资料为基础,研究了辽河坳陷太古宇古潜山基性侵入岩脉对内幕油气成藏的影响。
The key device is the oil pump, computer control to the quantity of core is oil pumps, computer control the pulse type oil pump and the full combustion goodly. 取暖器中的关键装置是燃烧器中的油泵,单片机对油泵控制的质量是燃烧器控制的核心。实践证明,应用单片机控制脉冲式油泵能够较好地实现充分燃烧。
Long core oil displacement with carbon dioxide injection has witnessed success and some critical parameters, including pressure, recovery and phase variation, in due process of Wen 184 block have been achieved. 利用该实验装置成功地进行了注二氧化碳驱替实验,得到了文184块油藏流体在水、二氧化碳交替驱油过程中的压力、采收率和相态变化等重要参数。
Beef up management of core oil/ gas assets; 强化油气储量核心资产的管理;
Rap evaluation is the core of oil/ gas resource evaluation. 圈闭地质评价是进行油气资源评价的核心工作。
In turbulent flow, the influence of oil viscosity on formation of flowing velocity profile was not obvious in the core of oil flow. The change of flowing velocity profile resulted from the density difference had some effect on virtual axial dispersion coefficient. 湍流时,粘度对流速断面形成的影响在油流核心不明显,主要是密度差别导致流速断面变化而影响有效分散系数,因此,可忽略混油区粘度的变化。
The article has classified the viscous oil transported in ring into three fluid states, the liquid ring and core oil are laminar flow; 本文把粘稠油液环输送分成三种流动状态:液环和核心油均为层流;
Practices indicate that comparing with traditional oil filter, pitman style& up-drawing core structural oil filter is easier to discharge, wash and replace. 实践证明,与传统滤油器相比,拉杆式上抽芯滤油器更易拆卸、清洗和更换。
The liquid ring is surge flow and the core oil laminar flow, both the liquid ring and core oil are surge flow. 液环为湍流,核心油为层流,液环和核心油都为湍流。
Evaluation study on core oil& gas drilling technologies 油气钻井科技发展重点内容评估研究
In order to clarify the relationship between pressure and permeability, porosity of pressure-sensitive reservoir, taking kerosene as percolating fluid, using natural drill core of oil field to simulate development process, and run an equilibrium flow experiment with the action of peripheral pressure interconnection. 为研究压力敏感储层的渗透率、流量与压力的关系,以煤油作为渗流流体,利用油田天然岩心模拟油田开发过程,做有围压耦合作用下的稳定渗流实验。
In our country, the measures of conserving the core in most oil company is putting it in the specific box after labeled the corresponding parameters. 在国内,大部分油气勘探单位保存岩芯的方法是标上相应参数后放入特制的岩芯盒内。
In the condition of ignoring gravity and capillary pressure, MCF ⅱ mutiple function displacement system can use the methods of stable stream and non stable stream to measure the relative permeability of core, the oil production ratio of water driving and the electric parameters of rock. 在忽略重力和毛管压力的情况下,多功能岩心驱替系统可采用稳定流和非稳定流两种测试方法测量油水相对渗透率、水驱油采收率和岩石电性参数等。
Because water basic liquid for killing wells was harmful to rock core, the oil basic liquid for killing wells with low harm has been developed and has been used in patching wells. 由于水基压井液对岩芯伤害高,本文研制了油基低伤害压井液并在修井中进行应用。
The displacement experiments were made by using artificial core, natural outcrop sandstone core, natural sandstone core in oil field and simulated oil. 使用人造岩心、天然露头砂岩岩心,天然油田砂岩岩心及模拟油进行了驱替实验。
Effect Comparison Between the Copper Core and the Titanium Core of Oil Cooling Apparatus in Heat Transfer 冷油器铜管芯子与钛管芯子换热效果比较
Analyze the relationships between step, solution salinity, core oil saturation, the cation exchange capacity, and so on, and them in frequency domain. 并分析了步长、溶液矿化度、岩心含油饱和度和岩心的阳离子交换量等与频率域数据的关系。
However, unlike other oil extraction, there is no effective squeezing equipment response to the extraction of hard core oil at present. 然而,和其他油料植物油的提取不同的是,目前国内外还没有针对硬质果核油料进行毛油提取的有效压榨设备。
Greatly influenced by modernism painting and design, structure as the core in imagery oil painting mainly shows in the aspect of the operation of the whole design, delicate processing of some minor parts. 意象油画的结构受到现代主义绘画和设计的影响很大。意象油画的结构内核主要表现在如下几个方面,其一,整体画面的经营,其二,局部的精心处理。
A design scheme of apply for small cold screw press of hard core oil was presented. ( 2) The key theory and technology of screw cold press design was studied. 提出了一种应用于硬果核油料压榨的小型螺旋冷榨机的研制方案。(2)研究了螺旋冷榨机设计的关键理论与技术。
The lithology of the Gasi reservoir is difficult to identify. Most lithology is muddy limestone or algal limestone. It is very difficult to decide the formation lithology just using core observation, oil production testing data, physical property data and conventional logging data. E32地区储层岩性识别困难,岩性不纯,多为泥灰岩或藻灰岩储层,单纯的利用岩心观察,试油资料,物性资料及常规测井资料来判断地层岩性是非常困难的。
For the petroleum sales enterprises, the link of creating income mainly lies in oil sales, and the core of oil sales is retail, the key of creating benefit also lies in retail. 对于石油销售企业,创造收入的环节主要在于成品油销售,成品油销售的核心在零售,创造效益的关键也在于零售。
Comus wilsoniana is a unique hard core oil woody plant in China. Its fruit oil can be refined into biological diesel, which has excellent combustion property and dynamic performance. 光皮树(Comuswilsoniana)是我国一种特有的硬质果核木本油料植物,其果实油脂提炼成生物柴油后具有优良的燃烧特性和动力性能。
Hydrocracking is the core technology in oil refining which make the heavy crude oil to light oil. 加氢裂化技术是石油炼制过程重质油轻质化的核心技术。